Friday, November 30, 2012

Faith is Like a Baby

Faith is like a baby
Who already knows all it needs to know
To live in the warmth and care of its mother
And yet cries and cries
If only to feel her touch again and again.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

grace in the face

For those who say you are going to Hell
But God loves you

Make no mistake
They have been trained to condemn you in their hearts
To fill the gaps where God still eludes them

Yet have compassion with them, they know not what they say
Alas, their kind of judgment is common to us all
And who knows, you may yet dispel their hell with grace in their face.

Stitching the Bible of our Hearts

IN God
IN Christ
IN our Hearts

The Bible bleeds
A living story of spiritual struggle
Filled with ancient tales told by people just like you and me

Struggling to see ourselves IN God
Struggling to live our lives IN Christ
Then struggling once again
       to meld our sacred stories
       with our daring deeds
              all in the crucible of our Hearts

Yet to literalize these Bible stories
To make them either trivial or truer than our own trodding toes
Is to break trust with the hearts and voices of our ancestors
And lose the stories' soul as much as our own

Objectifying God
Mystifying Christ
And jading our Hearts

Into thinking that stories on ink and paper are somehow more exacting
       than the double sided pages of our own lives of faith and flesh

For in myth we boldly stand IN God
Yet in deed we make our move IN Christ
Thus in both we stitch the bravest and best binding of our Hearts.


It seems troubling to me

That a Cosmic Creator would expect
A level of personal responsibility from his creatures
That He does not clearly exemplify Himself

For I do not let my children play in the street
I do not discipline my children by destroying their home
And I do not write them out of my will if they do not accept my gifts

And yet a fatal fruit tree is fair test from God?
And a planet-wide curse is training from His tender hands?
And eternal hell for not believing is the best bequest Providence can bring?

God! What level of shame must we feel about ourselves
To believe that a God who should love us so much
Has to be a hair-triggered tyrant?

It's fear
Our shameful fear of life
For to face a life so frightening
We must have a God more fearful still
More ferocious than our enemies
More fascist that our kings

We as humans are troubling enough
But that there should be a person-God from whom we pick our pattern
Seems catastrophic!

Alas, God is not a maker Agent who sets our morals marching
God is the matchless Absolute which simply holds all matter and meaning
And I believe this is exactly what Jesus meant
When he implored us dearly to his marvelous Papa

Now what's so troubling about that?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Story IN God

Is God a character in his own story?
Or is a story a story
And God, God?

God is not the star of a story, God is the sky in which all stories are told!

Yet if God be in a story
It is only by the story being
IN God.

Existence Itself

God is not a prime Mover beside the universe

God is the prime Existence of the universe
IN which we've traced an astounding prime movement, the Big Bang
OF which we've sensed a primordial consciousness, the Word 'Logos'
By which we yet squint to site a sacred arrow flying across the heavens

For with science we have broken down what has come to pass
Yet in bare faith we dare to declare it all still blazing
In one unified

Blasts of matter feeling their forces as they forge the elements
Bits of mind baking in the batter and rising into brains
Nature's metered medley blending in unison
Stoked and nurtured in the great oven of Existence

From Jacob to Jesus, from Copernicus to Carl Sagan
Holy Spirit is ultimately what we sense of the Cosmos
For to deny our basic love and awe of Existence
Is to deny any purpose to science or religion altogether

Thus, God is not some Mover beside our universe
God is the very Existence of this universe we brave
For a house divided against itself cannot stand
But a strong man bound up with it can be taken of its worth indeed!

For a miracle told is a miracle tried
And sometimes even despised as much
But in Christ we embrace the miracle which gives them all
The sublime spirit of Existence Itself.

- Matthew 12 : 22 – 37

Monday, November 26, 2012


God is all-present
All things which have being
Are only presently present by being IN something greater

God is all-powerful
All forces and energies in the universe
Are ultimately never created nor destroyed IN what they are doing

God is all-knowing
All conscious minds and meanings
Are but bits and wrinkles of a deeper consciousness IN the world we see

God is all
IN all

And there is but a Word which has shone this out
So be well.  Do well.  Noel.  You and every sparrow and lily are ever and always IN God.

When Lips Speak Love

You have heard that it is written
‘If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord
And believe in your heart God raised him from the dead
Then you will be saved’  Romans 10:9

But I’m telling you
There are those who believe too much with their mouths
And reveal that in their hearts
Jesus is just voodoo to them

Salvation in Jesus
Is not about special confessions and certainties
Just to shed our shame and get into a good afterlife
Its about what we say and do for life and goodness right here and now

To say “Jesus is Lord” is not a deal for your soul
It’s a promise to share Christ-like love with others

To believe Jesus was raised is not about afterlife
It’s about here-life, it’s about Jesus being raised in you today!

Who will ascend to heaven?  Indeed!

For indeed
It is by our hearts that we must justify our best beliefs
And with our mouths that we now must save these sacred words we confess

O Christian
Christ becomes your center
Not by some liturgical allegiance
But simply when lips speak love from hearts raised to Life itself.

Call on Christ!
Just don’t bring Christ up to bring Christ down to a salvation by syllables.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Grown-up God

Isn’t it time our concept of God grew up
And sat at the grown-up table
With science, reason, art, literature
And the rest of Western enlightenment?

Surely theology has developed much better manners
Since when God allowed murder to show His love.

speculating by inference

Is there really some Great Guy
Operating from a hidden Realm
Pulling strings in ours?

Or is there just a Great Universe
Filled with mysteries of matter and mind
Operating by natural laws?

Obviously we can never know for sure
But what can common sense tell us?
Can we infer a best explanation?

For we ask in light of other questions such as
What of causality?
What of consciousness?
What of the notion of ‘God’ itself?

Hence, inquiring minds need to know

Is there a supernatural Prime Mover?
Or is there simply an ultra-natural Permeating Consciousness?
To explain to us a universe of ever expanding meaning

Obviously both are legitimate hypotheses at face value
But are those faces equally attractive?

First of all, shouldn’t we automatically gravitate to the explanation
Which doesn’t always need an extra realm beyond what is given?

And secondly, shouldn’t we be quite suspicious of an explanation
Which gives a Being that just so happens to have an ego-framed mind like ours?

So ultimately, which seems more reasonable?

That once upon a time God said, “Hmm, I think I’ll create the universe.”
And then got stuck managing a little blue planet of mixed blessings


That God has simply never stopped manifesting the possibilities
Of what it means for a self-consistent universe to be.

Oh Hell

There is no hell to go to
Hell is simply a state of mind
In which people in that state
Make up a place by that name
And hope their God sends you there
On their behalf

There is a very long history of this, mind you
Such people always find their forebearers
And quote them all the way to hell

Alas, the remedy for hell
Is a very real place
And the love which can happen here.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Born Again

There have been three basic spiritual births in human history

The first birth can be found in the story of Adam and Eve
Hiding in the garden with their knowledge of good and evil
This is a story of us opening our eyes to the universe
With us peering out at its stark duality of life and death
This is the birth of our moral nature in the face of our frail and humble nakedness

The second birth can be found in the story of Moses
Hiding in a crevice to glimpse the bright ‘I AM’
This is a story of us opening our eyes to the universe
With it shining in on the duality of our sullen yet searching souls
This is the birth of our utter guilt in the face of our grasp of holiness

The third birth can be found in the story of Jesus
Openly pouring out the spirit of Christ upon the Earth
This is us opening our eyes to the universe once again
But this time with a love clear enough to spite any faltering flesh or sifted soul
This is the birth of our redemption in the face of a crescendo of humble and holy sacrifice

These three births we share
These three births each we find, one by one
Each our moral selves, each our holy guilt, and each our redeeming in spite of ourselves
We who are born of man and woman, be we born again
And yet again!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Look out!

Close your eyes
Now open them
Look out!
God is looking IN.

Taste and See (condensed)

When we say that everything is IN God
What we mean is
IN God is cosmic INterdependence

Rather than Creation referencing a supernatural God out there somewhere
We find Creation interdependent with God in an ultra-natural way at hand

For God is where we find our selves looking from
And God is how we sort out everything we see

Simply put
If we can see the universe
And appreciate it
Then we have seen Love
And felt God

It’s as simple as that
Taste and see!
Everything is IN God.

feeling mind

Close your eyes for just a moment
Feel your own mind
Now open your eyes again and feel yourself aware of what’s around you

Now do it once more
Close your eyes;  (mind)
Open your eyes;  (everything else)

Do it a couple more times
Then stop
And consider this:

The experience of the mind
Is not so much the experience of looking out to the universe
As it is the experience of the universe looking in to us

For even when our eyes are closed
Is still peeking in

We simply witness this experience first hand
So our first instinct
Is to get it backward

But stop and think about it, try to feel what I am talking about
Your awareness is not so much you looking out
As it is everything around you looking in

Shocking isn’t it!
You may even feel a bit violated
But now you know how the universe feels :)

Still not buying it?  Just ask yourself
Is it you
Who have set your own mind into its basic looking mode?

Or is it something else?
Which rubbed your mind

Alas, once we can understand and feel the true reality of mind
We suddenly realize it is not God that is the mystery to be figured out
We are

Thus to find ourselves already IN God with God gazing into us
Rather than UNDER God with God gaping over us
Is the first spiritual step
To conscious Life.

Taste and See (essay)

When we say that everything is IN God

Some may think we are merely speaking spatially
Like God is ‘the-box’ and we are ‘Jack-in’
But of course that alone is a pretty open and uncertain box, right?

Others may think we are merely speaking symbolically
Like God is the page and we are writing a poem
But of course that by itself is a pretty blank and ambiguous page, right?

      Rather, what we are saying is that
      God is the box
      In which there is a page
      On which a poem is being written
      By Jack
      Who has discovered himself and the page
      Both in the box
      As such without which he cannot write
      About anything he finds
      Of himself or around him

      In short, IN God is cosmic INterdependence

      Example #1 of real world interdependence:
      We know there is an interdependence
      Between the position of a subatomic particle
      And the observation of it by something else

In the same way ‘IN God’ means interdependence both spatially and symbolically
‘IN God’ means interdependence between space-time and consciousness
For we find an amazing and strict interdependence between
What Jack finds himself IN, and what Jack is able to know OF

Thus rather than Creation referencing a supernatural God out there somewhere
We find Creation interdependent with God in an ultra-natural way at hand

That is, there is nothing more needed to live and know the divine
If we are willing to face up to it and do the work, that is
For we may know the substance of God at least via the objective lens of science
And we may live the qualities of God at least via the subjective lights of religion

      Example #2 of real world interdependence:
      We know there is an interdependence between the mind and the brain
      If the brain is altered (like in an injury), then the mind is altered too
      And when we experience something in the mind
      Then we can see distinct changes in the brain as well

Now this is our most intimate evidence we have
Of the great INterdependence which we call ‘IN God’
For God is where we find our selves looking from
As well as how we mentally sort out everything our minds see

In other words rather than us looking wantonly out into a meaningless universe
Or, rather than us looking wantingly for a God beyond a cursed universe

Instead we find
We are already looking from the universe in to ourselves
And by coming to know our human condition in this dual context (IN God)
We then look out to more and more discern morality toward our world

Simply put
If we can see the universe
And appreciate it
Then we have seen Love
And felt God

It’s as simple as that
Taste and see!
Everything is IN God.

Monday, November 19, 2012

show and tell

Do science
And glimpse the holy face.

Embrace the future
And touch the nail scarred hands.

Raise your voice for human rights
And speak with tongues of fire.

Design a global dream
And behold a new heaven and earth.

Live your faith
And the story will tell itself.