Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas Greeting

Peace.  Be still.  Nobody is taking Christ out of Christmas
Just because we have woken up to a great big world
That has more than one wintertime religious holiday
Doesn’t mean anyone is taking Christ out of Christmas

As Christians we embrace Christ as the ‘Anointed One’
Not by competing with other religions for a top holiday seat
But by welcoming all people’s holiday sentiments
With radiant arms and hearts as big as that of a babe in a manger

Jesus came humbly into the world
Not with demands for the top holiday spot
But ready to serve and love all peoples
And humbly he remains.  Can you feel him even now?

Christ can never be taken out of Christmas
As long as we remember that God’s gift in Jesus
Is big enough for a whole world of different faiths
I mean, even the wise men from religions of the East knew this

Peace.  Be still.  There is no secular Herod trying to murder our sweet baby Jesus
The universal gift of Love has come, and you can’t put that back in a box
So greet Christmas how you will this season, to Jews, to Muslims, to fellow Christians alike
But please remember to say it, not defensively, but openly from the heart

Like trembling shepherds in a field
May we settle our fears about the Christmas Greeting
And come, simply come to the stable in awe
With Mary let us ponder these wonderful things in our hearts

This Christmas, may we each find our own way
To speak Peace and Joy to ALL this happy season of holidays!

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