Friday, November 23, 2012

Born Again

There have been three basic spiritual births in human history

The first birth can be found in the story of Adam and Eve
Hiding in the garden with their knowledge of good and evil
This is a story of us opening our eyes to the universe
With us peering out at its stark duality of life and death
This is the birth of our moral nature in the face of our frail and humble nakedness

The second birth can be found in the story of Moses
Hiding in a crevice to glimpse the bright ‘I AM’
This is a story of us opening our eyes to the universe
With it shining in on the duality of our sullen yet searching souls
This is the birth of our utter guilt in the face of our grasp of holiness

The third birth can be found in the story of Jesus
Openly pouring out the spirit of Christ upon the Earth
This is us opening our eyes to the universe once again
But this time with a love clear enough to spite any faltering flesh or sifted soul
This is the birth of our redemption in the face of a crescendo of humble and holy sacrifice

These three births we share
These three births each we find, one by one
Each our moral selves, each our holy guilt, and each our redeeming in spite of ourselves
We who are born of man and woman, be we born again
And yet again!

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